Three Tips To Help You Give Your New Siding Installation A Custom Look

29 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog


If you want to have a unique look for your home, you may want to have custom features added to your siding. This can be done by adding things like architectural details. Siding can also be used to add trim features around vinyl and metal windows to give them a custom look. If you want your siding to have more of a custom look, here are some things that you may want to consider doing to your home:

1. Adding Trim Features To Windows And Doors

Trim on some types of windows may be plain or lacking details. This is common with vinyl and metal windows. This can be fixed when you have new siding installed on your home. Trim can be added around windows and doors to give them more custom details. This can make your windows look more like custom windows and improve the appearance of your home.

2. Combining Different Siding Styles For A Unique Look

In addition to adding trim around windows, you may also want to use different styles of siding. This can be done with shake and board-and-batten siding, which can be used for features like roof details, patios and entrance areas. If you want to have a custom look for your siding, using these different style can be a lot better than lap siding. These styles can also be combined with the lap siding, which may be a more affordable option of large sections of exterior walls, and other styles can be used for the smaller details.

3. Using Different Types Of Siding Trim For A Custom Design

Different types of trim can also be used to give your home a custom look. Friezes can be used to separate different styles of siding. You can also use wider corner boards to make lines of your home standout. You may consider having things like brackets and exposed rafter tails installed to give your home artisan details that create the custom look. You can also have crown molding and trim installed on the soffit.  There are as many trim features to choose for the outside of your home as there are for the interior.

These are some of the things that you may want to consider having done with the siding on your home. If you are ready to give your home a custom makeover, contact a siding installation contractor and talk with them about some of these features for your siding replacement.